Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

SENDOK: karakter yg keras,dy paling susah di suruh2
paling grogi qlu ddpn cewek,paling takut kucing,suka ktiduran qlu di ajak begadang,penyuka burung walau akhir2 ini adja.
BONCHU: karakter yang lembut walau kadang2 ganas,paling anti bencong,paling seneng ma kucing,paling rajin sholat (kadang2 lupa),paling seneng kerja wlu kadang2 males,gag suka aneh2,ta'at ma ortu.
IPUL: karakter yang ramah tapi gag sabaran,suka goda2 cewek,suka ngedumel,paling suka ma rea reo,paling gag suka di itik2,paling benci di kagetin,hobi otak atik motor,walau sdikit gag guna.
GENDUT:Karakter yang lucu tapi nggombloi,gag suka di kekang ortu dan paling suka lewong (kalau berduit seh),paling suka nyelinap keluar malam,gag doyan dideh,gag suka makan padahal gendut,tp apalagi yahhh..???
KOROK: karakter yang susah ditebak,nyebelin nggoblokin,aneh,paling cepet qlu soal cewek,paling seneng futsal,paling sering pilek,paling suka kerupuk.
LONDHO:No Comment buat yang ini,okey...

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Adalah sebuah Band yg cukup lama berdiri...
Masih banyak yg pertanya'an yg harus di jawab oleh @-M1NOR...
Napa ya dengan Band yg lagu2 nya melow2 ini masih aja belum bisa masuk dapur rekaman...???
Mungkin kah semangat dan eksistensi nya kurang...???
Ato kah mungkin anak2 @-M1NOR  gak berminat buat melangkah ke Jenjang yg lebih bergengsi...???
Kalo di pikir2 emang masih banyak kekurangan yg harus di penuh i...
Termasuk skil or keahlian mengaransemen dan memainkan alat musik tantu nya...
Apalagi di tambah dengan masalah ke uangan kita yg selama itu gak menentu,coz notabene kita masih andelin ortu dalam hal ini...
Emang berat rasa nya yg harus di tanggung...
Bagi sapa aja,tolong dong kasih saran buat band ini...

Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Lirik Lagu Avenged Sevenfold Seize The Day 

Seize the day, or die regretting the time you lost
It’s empty, and cold without you here, too many people to Ache overI 
see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time
But I’m too young to worry
These streets we travel on will undergo our same lost past
I found you here, now please just stay for a while
I can move on with you around
I hand you my mortal life, but will it be forever?
I’d do anything for a smile, holding you ’til our time is done
We both know the day will come, but I don’t want to leave you
I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time
But I’m too young to worry (a melody, a memory, or just one Picture)
Seize the day, or die regretting the time you lost
It’s empty, and cold without you here, too many people to Ache over
Newborn life replacing all of us, changing this fable we live In
No longer needed here so where do we go?
Will you take a journey tonight, follow me past the walls of Death?
But girl, what if there is no eternal life?
I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time
But I’m too young to worry (a melody, a memory, or just one Picture)
Seize the day, or die regretting the time you lost
It’s empty, and cold without you here, too many people to Ache over
Trials in life, questions of us existing here, don’t wanna Die alone without you here,
Please tell me what we have is real
So, what if I never hold you, yeah, or kiss your lips again?
Whoah, so I never want to leave you, and the memories of Us to see
I beg don’t leave me
Seize the day, or die regretting the time you lost
It’s empty, and cold without you here, too many people to Ache over
Trials in life, questions of us existing here, don’t wanna Die alone without you here
Please tell me what we have is real
Silence you lost me, no chance for one more day [x2 then Continues in the background]
I stand here dreaming alone
Falling away from me, no chance to get back home [x2]